Thursday, October 20, 2011

Adapted Outdoor Activities

In last week's class, we learned from a North American Squirrel Association (NASA) guest speaker about how to adapt different outdoor programs for people with disabilities (fishing, hunting, camping, skiing, etc.).  We also had a group activity to experience what setting up a tent would be like with certain physical disabilities.  I learned several things that will help me professionally.  One thing was how to set up a tent!  I feel that this is something very helpful to know as a TR major, and since I do not personally go camping, this class was helpful in getting that knowledge!  Another thing I learned/was reminded of was how important it is to be using people first language (the guest speaker did not do such a good job of it).  Lastly, I feel that the more adapted equipment I am exposed to as a student, the more knowledgeable I will be of resources for future program participants.  I learned about myself that it is important for me to appreciate all skills that I can gain to be a better Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, no matter how small!  What I did to strive for excellence during this class was to not give up when using a wheelchair to cross the lawn to get to the "camping site" where we were to set up tents.  I really appreciate the opportunities this class gives students to place themselves in other's shoes.          

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